ster borgman | rust in glass

About me

I am an artist with a practice rooted in the exploration of natural processes and the transformative power of materials. Like an alchemist, I transform, extract, or fuse this chemistry. I extract pigment from plants, melt sand into glass, and transform rust into dripping red forms in glass. I am interested in the boundary where science meets magic, the place where we know too little to fully understand, but where we can still observe. Sometimes, a sensual nature emerges in my work, as I explore natural pigments and their biochemical relationship with the human body. I create pigments from materials collected during walks and experiment with oxides from old metals, ground rocks, and plant-based dyes. I am also fascinated by the queerness of nature, which I see as something boundless and fluid. Think of the dripping of glass, the leaking of rust, and the delicious, almost sensual colors of flowers and plants. Through my alchemy, I try to blur the colonial structure of science, which divides the world into different groups such as genders, atomic particles, and chemical processes. In doing so, I inspire a sense of wonder in my audience for the non-human nature.

Latest Project


Exhibitions and CV


2024        Big Art, Amsterdam

2024        Galleri Korpúlfsstaðir, Iceland

2024        Digital Archeology, WILLOW, Groningen 

2024        Trails of Terra – Cas-co Leuven, BE

2024        ‘The proof of the pudding is in the eating’ artistic diner, Drawing Centre                      Diepenheim, Artist Residencies Enschede (ARE) and De Perifeer

2024        Boox Space – Solo Exhibition, Haarlem    

2024        Backstage Academy – KunstRAI, Amsterdam

2023        Hoeders van het land  – Kunstenlab, Deventer

2023       ArtEZ Graduation show, BEAR, Arnhem


                Upcoming Exhibitions

2024        De Staat Van – Bergkerk, Deventer

2024        Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven